Friday, May 24, 2019

How To Heat That Lady Up Via Her Zodiac Sign

Are you hot for gorgeous woman but aren't sure what she's like, what she's looking for or what you should do to get her attention? Perhaps the following information will help you to gain more clarity in what you're getting into with the various women's sun signs. 

Now that I've already approach how women can attract a guy or get him to fall in love via his zodiac sign or rather "Sun Sign", I'd like to take a look at the flip side. While the Men's sun sign is similar to the woman's, women do have various elements that can change the nature of her personality such as hormones. Women are created to have children and as such, they possess chemicals in the brain that men do not. This makes them slightly different than the guys. Keeping that in mind, we can go into the article for a useful look.

As I mentioned in my other article, there are so many other facets that determine who a person is much less a woman. In our birth charts, we have all 12 signs. They are all in different "houses" which are aspects of our personality. Planetary locations make an impact of course. There is also the Moon or Rising sign to take into account. These can enhance anyone's personality. Let's break down the women's sun signs so that it helps you wrap your mind around what she may want and how to go about achieving your goal with her.

Aries Woman- The Aries woman is strong and full of vigor. She's normally active and likes to be social. She may actually also be athletic like the male Aries. She's the type of woman that would do very well in sports or in various physical activities that make her feel fit and full of fire. While she has much in common with the male Aries, she's also still a woman. She's a protective and nurturing mother (or can be one).

Aries lady can stand on her own two feet, is independent, is typically good at making money and can possibly be a career woman. Though she will drop some of this should she find the right guy who wants to form a family going forward. She will still have a strong desire to work or do something because she's not someone who wants to sit around and be lazy.

She wants a guy who will take his time, prove to her she can trust him, be willing to take her out and be seen with her as often as possible. She's a passionate lover and has no qualms about getting down and dirty in the bedroom. She probably has a high libido and will need a man to keep up with her level of activity.

If she ever feels bored or isn't doing well with her life, she could fall into addiction. This could be anything from obesity, drinking, drugs, or any other addiction that helps her to feel like she's on a more even keel even if it's not true. This is why it's so important for her to stay active and keep on moving. She will require a man who will motivate her and not let her give up.

If you're into an Aries woman and aren't sure what to do to get her attention, let her know you're into her by a simple sweet gesture and telling her "I dig you" or something like that. Once you lay it down for her, she will be more willing to let you in enough to start showing her the man you are.

This woman needs a man who can keep up with her, treat her well, and help keep her on the calmer side of life. Dramatic men need not apply. She doesn't want to hassle with anyone who IS a hassle. She needs easy and flowing to help her ground herself better. Typically she will calm a bit when she has children but then she will be mother bear to her babies and husband.

Taurus Woman - The Taurus woman is one heck of a woman. She seems tough and the type that will knock you on your rear. She's typically really good at what she does and can be intimidating to men as far as approach-ability. Taurus woman's armor is there for a reason though. She doesn't want to be messed with and she makes sure that people understand that about her.

Taurus woman is truthful but tends to not say anything unless she's asked. She knows the value of keeping it to herself because she understands that not everyone wants to hear the truth. This makes her hold back on her own feelings though. She isn't going to be very forthcoming and makes a man work for it. He has to prove to her that she can trust him before she'll let him in.

She's a very focused woman and will often work hard at what she does whether that's her career, her family, or whatever her particular need for focus is. This can sometimes mean that she puts love and romance on the back burner. It can also make her a workaholic if she doesn't watch herself. She has to learn the art of balancing work with enjoyment.

When she goes silent, it's often because she is either coping with something very difficult, she doesn't want to bother anyone, she doesn't want to appear weak, or she's just very busy and she'll get back to you whenever she can. Taurus woman needs a man who can understand this about her and not get frustrated. She absolutely HATES men that are dramatic.

The Taurus woman is looking for a man that is going to keep his cool, not egg her on, is focused on his own career/success, and will show her tenderness. She doesn't NEED a man really, she just really would enjoy a partner to spend her life with. She's much like an Aquarius woman in this way. Virgo women are fiercely independent as well.

While this woman is always busy trying to build her future, she's also inclined to enjoy the comforts of home when she can. She would love to have a partner who will be at her side, keep the home fires burning, and will love her for all the greatness that she is.

What people do not see is that though she seems tough and tumble, she's actually rather vulnerable and is very fearful of being hurt or hurting someone else. This is one of the many reasons she will take her time getting involved with someone. If you're going to apply to love a Taurus woman, make sure you're going to stick around and be patient with her.

If you're a drama llama or a guy that cannot maintain loyalty, you need not apply. Taurus woman doesn't have time for your bullshit. She wants someone truthful and knows the value of love with loyalty. Show it to her and you may just have a partner for life.

Gemini Woman -  The Gemini woman is a multi-faceted lady. She often works multiple jobs or has a few projects moving. She doesn't like boredom and won't deal well with a partner who is slow moving, unenthusiastic, or is a couch potato. While having someone always waiting a home for you is appealing, she'd rather have the house to herself for a bit or she'd prefer a partner who will want to get out and about with her.

Gemini women are often working for themselves because they're fantastic at coming up with brilliant business plans. If they aren't working for themselves, they're working jobs that they can best use their talents. Even a normal manual labor job will be something she's good at. She'll be into hobbies when she's not working.

If you find a Gemini woman who doesn't have a bunch going on, she may have a sign in her chart that dictates she's a bit more relaxed and not in high gear. Many Gemini women are always in high gear to a point where they probably don't even sleep a whole lot. Their brains are constantly processing.

When it comes to love, Gemini woman wants someone who can keep up with her, stimulate her senses, bring her excitement, and be spontaneous. She wants a guy who will please her in bed but not be so serious about it. She loves having a good time and doesn't need to make sex a spiritual experience. It's just fun!

That doesn't mean she's promiscuous or is loose. She just really enjoys sex. She is capable of one night flings or friends with benefits scenarios. However, she's just a woman at the core. She wants a guy who will make her feel comfortable and secure in the love she has for him.

If you're trying to impress a Gemini woman, make her laugh! Take her out to a comedy club or to a funny movie. Make some hilarious jokes and she'll feel right at home with you. She will try to make you laugh as well and it would be wise for you to laugh.

She wants to have fun with her ideal partner. Remember, she doesn't like boredom or people who seem to have nothing going for themselves. She won't tolerate a gold digger guy nor will she want a lazy man. She wants someone who has things going on and looks for success. Boring men need not apply with the active Gemini queen.

Cancer Woman - This elegant lady is very sensitive and can be rather psychic. She is at the very least, empathic. That means she can feel other people's feelings, motives, or desires. She can read people quite easily. She may possess many gifts or just a few but one thing is sure, she's very special and needs a man with a delicate touch.

The Cancer woman is hard working, self sufficient, caring, nurturing, and desires to find the right guy who is not only her match but her partner, husband, and father to her children (present or future). She's a mama bear and a protective partner. Whomever she gives her heart to, she will want to make sure he is always taken care of and shown how much she loves him.

She's someone who is sought after because of her ability to give people amazing advice or help in other forms. She may donate her time or finances in order to help humanity. She has a strong pull to be in a position of helping people or animals in any way that she can. She may be a caretaker, teacher, healer, or advocate.

This woman gives her heart to the world. All she wants in return is a partner who will mirror her and give her the most nurturing type of love she can ever experience. She craves security and someone who is stable, giving, and will help ground her when she feels emotionally drawn out. She can tire her soul out easily by all the care she gives out to others.

Her moods can get carried away sometimes because she isn't the best at grounding herself. She has to learn how to do this with a proper method and having a partner who is already that way will help her substantially. She needs a man who isn't dramatic, is steady, and will understand when she's not in the best of moods. She wants a strong man who will hold her when she feels tired, sick, or weak.

The Cancer woman is very passionate in the bedroom and will want to please her partner. She associates sex with love and spirituality typically and will want to be with a partner who will be receptive to this. She is capable of one night flings or friends with benefits as well.

She isn't stuck up by any stretch. She's very sweet and people flock to her. If you want to be her man, you're going to have to get her attention and show her why you're a strong candidate for love. Show her that you'll be there for her, you'll always be honest, you'll protect her, and you'll protect her heart. That's what she secretly craves. Give her your all guys!

Leo Woman - The Leo woman is beautiful inside and out. She appears to be quite stunning no matter what she wears because she always looks her best. She knows that her appearance is important to impress the best whether it's for romantic purposes, friendship, or for professionalism. It's hard for many men to resist the charms of the Leo lady. She's outspoken, she is funny, and often makes everyone around her feel comfortable.

The Leo woman is looking for a partner that will inspire her, give her hope, compliment her, give her adoration, and appreciate all that she's able to do for him. She wants her one and only whom she can live a wonderful and successful life with. This person must be able to financially take care of themselves and prove to be her equal.

Leo woman can be a bit moody and quick to anger. However, if she's with a partner who is calm and able to keep their own temper in check, she'll probably calm down just as fast as she got upset in the first place. This woman wants a man who will not try to pick fights with her but will not let her walk on him either.

She wants a strong man but not one that will try to tell her what to do, how, and with whom. She doesn't want to be controlled but would rather prefer a partner who will give her more love than she could ever imagine. Her craving for support is very strong. She's able to perform her life duties far easier when she has a man who treats her with great respect and support.

Leo woman isn't for the faint of heart though. She's a strong personality and it takes someone really special to win her over. She likely has a list of men who are waiting in line hoping to get a chance with her. It's best you never forget that if you're pursuing her. You will have to prove to you why you're the best out of all the others.

Be strong, independent, and successful but also very tender, caring, and able to give her appreciation. Inspire her to be the best she can be and love her. Be passionate but never controlling. She will never settle for someone who treats her like she's not the queen she is. Laziness with her isn't acceptable either.

The Leo woman is very romantic and expects a partner who will appreciate this about her and also provide her with some great romance as well. She really wants it to be a two say street otherwise it's not really worth her while. Give her everything you've got emotionally and you may win her heart yet!

Virgo Woman - The Virgo woman is unique. She's one that doesn't actually require a partner to make her happy in life. Since she doesn't NEED a relationship, she knows she doesn't have to find someone to settle down. She can decide to be single and successful all by herself. This is what makes her so hard to get and you'll have to prove to her that you are someone she can rely on to love.

The Virgo woman is really good at anything she puts her mind at. She knows that she can accomplish anything as well. She tells the truth to the point of hurting some people's feelings. She doesn't have a very good filter and can tend to blurt things out much like the Sagittarius does. To learn how to work in a relationship, she has to also figure out how to use a bit more tact.

She may find interest in someone but if she isn't convinced of who they are or what role they have in her life, she'll come off as cold or callous. She may also appear to do the hot and cold dance which confuses so many men out there. He thinks he has her then she disappears or doesn't talk to him for weeks.

Out of the blue she returns and starts flirting again. To her, space is no big deal. To the person pursing her though, they may feel put off or feel she really doesn't care about him that much. He may even feel she doesn't like him enough to have a relationship. I'm not going to lie, Virgo requires much maintenance.

They're tremendously powerful women that don't need a man. You have to really work hard to prove to her that you are worth her time and effort or she will absolutely blow you off. She may like you and she may even fall for you but if for a minute she feels something isn't right, she will back off to think about things. You won't like it.

The Virgo woman wants someone who will lift her up, treat her like a queen, treat her with respect, and love her with loyalty. She will not accept someone who cannot keep their eyes on their own paper. This is a huge turn off for her. If you want to be with her, then you had better make HER your life otherwise she won't have time for you.

Warm the Virgo woman's heart by making her laugh, show her how you feel on a deep emotional level, be honest with her at all times, and give her both trust as well as respect. She has high standards and has no trouble booting someone out who doesn't respect her. Win her over and work hard. Be patient too because she won't move as quickly as you may like. Hang in there and you may be able to win her heart with time and proof of your adoration.

Libra Woman - The Libra woman is highly intelligent, beautiful, funny, fun to be around, and it's easy to see why anyone would be comfortable in her presence. She's a seeker of success, she will explore her dreams and trying to make them happen, she's a hard worker, and she loves being in love when she finds it.

The Libra woman loves to share hear ideas, aspirations, and passions for life with the right person. She's comfortable in social settings and does like spending time with people. She also doesn't mind spending some time on her own to clear her thoughts or concentrate. She's versatile in this way. She's also someone who plans nearly everything she does.

If you want to get the Libra lady's time, you're going to need to schedule something with her. She isn't one that likes to spontaneously hang out. She needs a heads up so she can re-arrange anything she has going on because she often does have various projects or jobs she's working on. It's important to her to make sure she's not blowing off anything important.

The good news on that front is, if she schedules time with you, she will actually make sure nothing else interferes with the plans you make. Although if she gets cold feet, she may decide that she should re-schedule. Libra woman can be a bit indecisive. This causes her to second guess her motives and plans with someone.

When you want to impress a Libra lady, you need to show her that you're also funny, have your own career that is successfully moving along (or job), that you have a life outside of her. She'll be impressed. She wants a partner to love her and care but isn't much into someone who is clingy or needy.

Libra lady loves being in love but she's also a bit careful. She may take things slowly and so if she asks you to slow down, it's best that you give her that space and time so she can decide properly and do what she feels is best. To romance her, write her songs, poetry, love letters, or something else that makes her heart go pitter patter.

The Libra woman wants a man who will not have a quick temper, will not be confrontational, won't criticize her, and will always treat her with respect. She needs someone even-tempered and full of love for her. This is the type of man that will win her over.

Scorpio Woman - The Scorpio woman is very sexy, hard to resist, intelligent, successful, busy, and looking for her soul mate. She's a bit selective and though she can sometimes have one night stands, typically she tries to keep it at a minimum. She wants to have sex with someone who she plans to have a future with. Her libido is quite high though so she needs a partner who can keep up with her and give her what she needs.

Scorpio woman isn't very trusting. She isn't going to let just anyone into her life or her bed. She is going to weed people out to make sure she's choosing wisely. This could take time and make some men impatient. She can come off as hot and cold because she warms up to someone but then has reservations so she backs off to think things over for awhile.

She may do this a few times before it's all said and done. She is indecisive due to her lack of trust. Life has shown her over and over why it's important to make people earn trust rather than just giving it out. This makes potential partners need to step it up so that they can prove their worthiness to her.

Scorpio woman is deep emotionally and it takes a man who is able to handle her mood swings that will be the one that can keep her. She will test him over and over to see if he's going to be there for her or if he will easily walk away. It may be frustrating being tested by her but if you truly love her, you'll be willing to go above and beyond.

When the Scorpio woman finds the guy she thinks is "the one", she will give him so much love, tenderness, and be by his side through anything. He must first prove to her why he's the one and that he's never going to hurt her or leave her.

The Scorpio woman wants security very deeply. She needs a partner she can rely on who will give her support, love her unconditionally, and show her how important she is to him at all times. Yes, she may sound like high maintenance but fellas, she's worth the work.

If you ever feel that she's just too much to handle, think about the loving she can give you. Think about how amazing she makes you feel and stick with that. Fight through the urge to walk away and instead, lift her up and show her why you're the best of the best.

Sagittarius Woman - The Sagittarius woman is a bit of a free spirit. She's confident, spontaneous, adventurous, loves to travel, and loves to live every single day as though it's her last. She understands the importance of living life to it's fullest. She's often pegged for being afraid to commit but that's not exactly true. She wants the right one just like everyone else.

Her ability to get cold feet if she senses that someone isn't right for her isn't cause for having a phobia for commitment. It simply means that she knows that she cannot commit to someone who isn't going to be the right one for her in the long run. She's actually savvy and can be particular when she's looking for love. 

She's a humanitarian and loves to make sure she's doing her part to make the world a better place. Sagittarius woman normally loves animals and will fiercely protect them as well. She is into nature and wants to be in it as much as possible which is why many of her adventures take place in the great outdoors.

The Sagittarius woman wants a partner who can keep up with her and join in on having an adventurous life. She does well with a man who deeply cares for people but can still be strong so that he's not walked on. She doesn't like weak men who are agreeable all the time. She tells the truth to a point of being too blunt. She has to learn how to use a bit of tact. 

This woman doesn't want anyone to get the wrong impression so she says it like it is and sometimes that seems to be hurtful to the person receiving this information. She has to learn how to be sweeter in her approach when she needs to tell someone something of significance otherwise they're going to think she's harsh or doesn't understand.

Sagittarius woman is typically very optimistic about life and you'll never find someone who will inspire you as much as this woman. When you want to win her heart, you've got to show her that you're a stable, successful, loving, and yet spontaneous type of guy. Be willing to travel, move around, and be open to changes. She embraces change like a champ.

The heart of a Sagittarius woman can be won by the man who just as into living life to the fullest like she does. Prove to her that you will be her equal and will never leave her side. She'll be yours when she feels comfortable, safe, and that you're truthful to her. You have to earn her trust! 

Capricorn Woman - This no-nonsense woman is successful, busy, generous, intelligent, capable of doing anything she sets her mind to, and a woman who loves her family. She stands up for what she thinks is right whether it's for those she loves or for those who she thinks needs the extra help. She has a high set of standards and morals. Her ideal match will be someone equally as strong as she is and agrees with the types of values she has. 

She is a hard one to "get" because she's very selective in her friends and lovers. This woman is a very busy person. She is working hard to secure her future and build up a nest egg. She wants someone just as driven as her. She cannot stand lazy men. She prefers guys that have the drive that she does to manifest success.

The Capricorn woman wants to find a partner who gets her, who works hard, and who will be a morally upstanding father figure for their future children. She can come off as cold sometimes but this typically comes from her being upset or unsure about her partners motives. She detaches herself in certain situations that require a cool head as well.

Capricorn woman means serious business. She can be funny in her own way but for her, life isn't a big joke. It's serious and it means buckling down and taking care of business. She has no time for sickness or laziness. This is the type of woman that will still work when she feels like she's dying. She honestly doesn't give herself much of a break even when she needs to.

You can imagine how this rolls over to her potential partner. She needs a man that won't be a wuss when he gets sick and won't need her to take care of him. She will if she feels he's bad enough that he needs it but not because he is a big baby. She doesn't respond well with weak men. 

For the right guy, he has some treats in store. The Capricorn lady is a closet freak in bed. She won't show this side of herself though until she's comfortable and sure of the man she invests her time and energy into. 

If you're trying to win the heart of a Capricorn woman, you're going to have to be very patient. She's not one to rush things and will want you to prove why she should be with you in the first place. Be her best friend, be there for her, and show her longevity isn't a problem. Work hard, share your successes, but don't be cocky. With time you may win her over mind, soul, and body. 

Aquarius Woman - This woman is one of the most independent of the sun signs. Virgo is #1 and Aquarius woman is right behind her. She is someone who does actually want the right guy in her life. She loves her free time, she is good at whatever she does, she's intelligent, she has interesting things to talk about, and she is amazing when she's being social.

This woman loves her family and protects them. Getting in her good graces, you'll need to also learn to love her family otherwise you're not going to get too far. The thing is, she's not going to rush in either. She wants a partner who is kind, patient, and will let her take her time. He also has to understand that she likes spending time alone quite often as well.

Aquarius woman does not like being told what to do and won't put up with someone trying to control her. That's a big no-no. The man that loves an Aquarius woman needs to be understanding of her free time and privacy. He had better not try to dig into her life too soon or he will get shut down.

This lady is rather unpredictable because she changes her mind on a dime. That means she can change her mind very quickly and unexpectedly. The right man has to roll with the changes that she may bring into his life. She's not flaky but she can change her plans if something else comes up.

Once an Aquarius woman lets you into her world, you had better show her respect, adoration, and patient. She has certain standards that she adheres to as well. You'll need to take time to get to know her in order to find out what those are for her.

She's looking for specifics with the right man. That means it's up to you to find out if you meet her criteria. She's not going to make it easy for you and she's not going to come out and tell you. You will find out with time and effort. You're going to have to "work for it". If you know she's worth it, you'll be willing to do what it takes.

Once Aquarius woman loves you, she will absolutely be faithful to you. She's loyal, loving, practical, and is someone who thinks outside the box. She wants adventure, travel, and she could possibly be a business owner. She's great at working for herself. Win her heart by proving to her what a man you are and how equal you will be with her.

Pisces Woman - The Pisces woman is a delicate flower that needs the right hands to pluck her from her stem. She's a dreamer, she's very passionate, she's loving, she makes decisions based on what she feels, and she tends to be empathetic or even psychic. You can't lie to her or she'll know and drop you like a bad habit. Always be truthful with her.

The Pisces woman is a very giving lover. She's someone who likes to day dream quite a bit which is great when she has some incredible ideas that may work. Sometimes she has a hard time keeping her feet on the ground though. She needs a partner that will be an excellent source of helping her ground herself and her life.

She's seeking her true love. This often makes her fall in love fast or many times over in her life. She ends up getting hurt quite a bit because she wears her heart on her sleeve. This woman needs a man who is strong but can also be tender with her. She's delicate and needs hands that will take very good care.

Pisces woman has mood swings and requires someone who will understand how sensitive she is and won't take offense when she needs time alone or quiet time to reflect. She has to decompress after a day or week of being around intense people. She picks up on their energy and has to try to focus on getting back to her own.

This lady is very sweet, kind, and creatively inclined. If you're trying to plan celebrations, let her help you. She'll come up with some really amazing ideas that you would never have thought of. She can imagine it in her mind and then make it happen.

When you're trying to pursue a Pisces woman, you'll need to take a very gentle approach. Make sure that she takes it slowly even when she's trying to push things to go faster. Learning patience is something that will actually help her. Give her great care but make her wait to commit. She'll appreciate it down the road when she really learns what a great man you are.

Prove to her that you'll always take care of her and give her security. She may need a little direction or some help to let go of all the emotions she lets pent up in side her. Teach her how she can let go and trust you in the process. She'll fall madly in love with you but with time, it will be for the right reasons and can last a lifetime.

I hope this helps you guys figure out the woman you're trying to get to know or trying to lure into your life. It's important to know these basics. Just keep in mind that rising sign, moon sign, and even Venus may play a role. If you're seeing someone or interested in someone and would like help to see if you're compatible enough, I can help! I can either help with Tarot or with Astrology, your choice.

If you'd like me to use Astrology, you'll need to supply your birth info and hers. I would need exact info (date, EXACT time of birth, location of birth). My rate is $35.50 and can be purchased through my Paypal. Be sure to email me your birth info:

If you'd like a compatibility via the Tarot Cards, I can certainly do that as well. The price is the same... $35.50. Email me your situation and your partner's initials or nickname if you aren't comfortable with telling me their name. I'd be happy to help you out. To purchase either reading, click on the link below:

Thank you for reading and I certainly hope this was informative for you guys! Always here for ya!

~Jen Devillier~

Friday, April 12, 2019

How to Make a Man Yours Via his Zodiac Sign

What can you do to appeal to him? How can you make him interested in you or desire you? How do you make a man fall for you according to what his Zodiac sign is? Keep reading to find out some really interesting information ladies!

The Truth Behind The Signs and People

I'll bet you are expecting me to give you a secret formula that will magically make a man fall head over heels for you. The truth is, you cannot. First of all, everyone has free will. I've seen far too many articles that bait people and then feed them stuff that ultimately ends up not working then the people that read the articles are quite upset. They then go and give bad reviews for the blog writer in question. I don't blame them.

What I want to help you with is some helpful tips that may help you out if you don't know enough about the guy you like. Yes, his Sun sign can play a role but so can his moon sign and his rising sign among other aspects in his birth chart. Astrology is a very detailed way of looking at everything when it comes to people. That's the foremost for you to understand. You still have to get to know someone.

These days people are finding dates or relationships via the internet and websites. While it's a handy and convenient way of doing things. There are things that you need to realize when you're looking into someone who is long distance or someone who may not be sharing his REAL information. You have to take everything with a grain of salt.

I'm not a bullshit artist ladies. I am not going to blow sunshine up your hooha in order to get you to purchase my time. What I'd prefer is giving you a bit of guidance and then allowing you to decide if you would like to talk to me personally via email. I've been guiding people and doing readings via Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Angels, Faeries, and Intuitive Skill for many years. I am relatively newer with the Astrology aspect but I know enough to help plenty of folks. Just so you know, Astrology is a life long study. No one is a total expert as there is always something new that comes up that can be learned. I still have a long way to go but I am equipped to help as many as I can with what I have under my belt.

One of the things I've learned is the very basics on Sun signs. Granted, women and men are a bit different but the Sun signs are relatively the same personality wise. Just please keep in mind that there are many other facets involved in figuring out who a person is and should never be replaced for really getting to know someone on a personal level.

That being said, I am appealing mostly to women because the men I find, don't look this stuff up quite as much. I will do another article like this however, to appeal to the men also.

What His Sign Is and What He Wants:

Aries Man - This guy is super active typically and so he'll be involved in sports or other physical activities including working out at the gym. There are some Aries men that take on other activities that may not be quite as physical but he will still do what he can to keep busy. He's normally looking for a woman who can keep up with him, loves her own independence, is intelligent, is active, is physically fit, and loves sex as much as he does.

He has quite an appetite in the sexual department. He is one of those guys that could turn his head if another woman offers him up more than what his partner gives him so be aware that you've got to keep up with his libido. He can be loyal but you better make sure he's 100% committed or he will keep his options open and sometimes without you knowing.

For the woman he does commit to, he will treat her very well and take care of her as well as keep her safe. He's not one for opening up and talking about feelings. He'd rather show a woman how he feels instead of talking about it. He broods, he gets angry, and he tends to shut down at times. He does do the hot and cold thing but typically doesn't stay there long.

He wants a partner who is going to look sexy and take pride in her appearance. He wants her to have the ability to take care of herself so that he's not forced to take care of her. He wants to because he wants to, not because he has to.

Sometimes he puts too much focus on his hobbies or activities and blows off the mundane. Aries man needs a woman who will keep him prioritized and grounded. Except she cannot make him feel closed in or tied down. If she does, he will not react well to it and will take a stand thereby taking his personal freedom very seriously. Don't every try to push him or hurry him along.

This is why his partner's independence is important. He is the jealous and possessive type when he falls in love and again, needs someone who will absolutely make him feel secure about the love they share. If you are up for the task, you should definitely flirt with him and let him know you're interested.

Let him be the man and do the chasing. He isn't one to like it when a woman chases him. It makes him feel overwhelmed and uninterested. He's the classic Alpha male type. He can have a bit of an ego but typically he can back up what he claims to be.

Taurus Man - The Taurus man is strong, steady, and slow to commit. He seems as though he has everything figured out and knows what he's doing. He doesn't seem like the type that would be insecure but he can be when it comes to how he lives his life. When everything is going well in his world with finances, job, and family life, he is very confident. If any of these areas develop problems, he tends to become unglued.

The Taurus man loves commitment but may not subscribe to it when he's younger. He has the capability of being a bit of a player thus adopting the "friends with benefits" scenario. It's important that if you get involved with a Taurus man, that you let him know up front you aren't into that sort of thing... unless you are.

This guy is somewhat old fashioned and set in his ways. The older he gets, the more he becomes this way. He is stubborn but if you can appeal to his logic, he may listen to what you have to say. It's often best to allow him to think that whatever he comes up with, was his idea even if you planted a seed. Taurus men want a woman who is deeply committed to him.

He is the jealous type and can become possessive. There are some that will tell you that they aren't and may act flippant as though they don't care if other men hit on you but if it actually happens in front of their face, they typically don't like it. So don't let them fool you. They expect you to be all theirs.

Taurus man is looking for a woman who is very smart, classy, beautiful, and who knows how to take care of herself very well. When he's in a position to provide for his partner he will absolutely do so but before hand, he doesn't want to be stressed out or feel not good enough for a woman who expects him to provide her with money, food, clothes, or even constant attention.

This guy really sucks when it comes to text messages or social media contact. Again, this is where I mention his old fashioned ways. You'll see this similar phenomenon with Virgo guys as well. They would rather have face to face contact if not a phone call. This is especially true when it comes to talking about anything of importance.

Taurus men need you to tell them you are interested in them, flirt with them, and let them know you want them. Once you do, they will take it from there. They won't waste their efforts on someone they don't see mutual adoration with. If you want a Taurus man, show him your stability and your affection. If he's into you, he'll reciprocate but be aware, he will take what seems like forever before he commits. If you are patient, you'll win him over.

Gemini Man - These guys are super charming, fun, funny, and easy to be around. In fact, it's very natural to feel comfortable around them. They're physically appealing and tend to draw everyone in with their ability to be the center of attention no matter where they go. They love women and aren't too picky as far as looks go.

They tend to be drawn to women who hold their own, have aspirations that they're working toward, they keep busy, and are independent. Gemini men love spending time with a partner but they also love having their time to themselves. They aren't asking for a ton of it like Aquarius men. However, they will take it where they need to if their partner isn't willing to give it up easily.

Gemini men are adaptable and tend to change their direction often. They are the twins of the zodiac which mean they are at any given time, very different and in different moods. You never really know what they will be like on any given day. They require a woman who will be alright with this. They love women who are unique and love to keep active.

They love to have fun whether they're social or an introvert. They can actually be both at times. It's an odd combo but this is why they blend in so well with any type of crowd they are in at any given time. This is also why a woman's friends or family adore them. They know how to win everyone over with their wit and hilarious jokes.

Gemini men can sometimes seem very flaky as they don't like talking about their feelings that much which makes them hard to read. Women get frustrated in not understanding if this guy likes her or if he's just being nice. One day he's super sweet and the next a total jerk. What is it with him? Again, it's his different faces or moods, if you will. Understanding this about him, you may find a way "in" to his heart.

Gemini man wants a woman who will want to be active with him but also be alright with doing things on her own. He does enjoy sex but he doesn't see it as an emotional experience but rather fun. If you're the type of woman who is looking for an emotional or spiritual connection during sex, he may not be your guy.

If you want to have fun and stay open to possibilities sexually, Gemini will help you explore variety and the joys of always trying new things. He loves kinky stuff. To snag a Gemini, you've got to be really interesting and exciting to him. Find out what he likes and use that to your advantage. If you do, he'll be more open and willing to get to know you. He IS one who will chase you but don't wall him off too much or he'll think you're not interested and will take off to the next beautiful lady in line.

Cancer Man - When the Cancer man is young, he likes to have lots of experiences in life and can have a tendency to go overboard. He's very sweet, giving, kind, and is very nice to most people he comes across. This at times can be misconstrued as flirting. He often finds himself having to explain to a woman that he was only being nice when she decided he was in love with her. It can and does happen.

Cancer men when they start to mature, are looking to find someone who will be not only their partner but also later on, his wife, and the mother to his children. If he has children then he's looking for a mother figure for his kiddos. He'll be fairly picky if he does already have kids. He will be very protective of his young ones. Rightly so!

This is a guy who is born to have fun then get serious and marry. He's a family type of man. His makeup is that of which he's supposed to form a population of his own. He's also a nurturer and will take care of others while he's on the lookout for his potential partner. He's seeking his true "soul mate". I don't like using that term because we can have more than one soul mate in a life time. Some are lovers, some family, and some friends. It's simply a past life contract carried over to this life.

That being said, Cancer guy is looking for "the one" with whom he thinks completes his mission and will help him build his mini empire. He's very empathetic and tends to let other people's feelings get to him whether he realizes it or not. He has to work hard on creating boundaries.

This guy can let things get to him so much so that he can develop coping mechanisms such as addictions of any sort. He has to be very careful to find balance in his life and to not let other people's issues take over his own life. He has to shut the door and make a stand.

Cancer man is looking for a woman who can do it all. I won't lie, he's looking for a rare creature but hey, if he finds someone even close to it, he'll embrace her. He wants a woman who can work all day at her illustrious money making career, will clean the house, cook dinner, and get the kids ready for bed.

Cancer man is a nurturer and basically he wants a partner who is going to help take care of him too. He will gladly nurture the world but he needs someone to take amazing care of him and not expect him to do everything for her. This is why his standards are so high.

Yes, he can develop "friends with benefits" or even one night stands to live out his sexual desires. However, when he finds a woman whom he thinks fits what he's looking for, he will drop it all and make her his everything. She is his queen and he'll always make sure she knows and feels how loved she is. He'll go to the ends of the earth for his lady and his spawn.

On the flip side, he can have a wandering eye and he could cheat if he feels unhappy. Watch out for red flags with this one. If you sense he's having issues, try to help him and show him that you love and desire him. Perhaps when he realizes you are all he needs, he won't stray.

Leo Man - The Leo man is the showman of the zodiac. He's the one that gets everyone's attention and is able to charm the heck out of anyone. He's typically brilliant, talented, and knows what he's doing no matter what he's involved in. He's quite a looker too. It's not hard to see why women flock to this guy. He's a bit selective though so he won't just give his time or affection to just anyone.

While this guy is successful in whatever he sets his mind to, there is one thing that he desperately needs from a potential partner.... Attention. While he's still single he will do all the things he's good at in order to try to cultivate attention however he can.

Leo man loves to be social, loves to go out often, and loves to be around people. When he finds a woman he thinks he can be with for the future, he will romance the heck out of her. He's the guy that will go all out with flowers, dinner, movie, drinks, etc. He'll make your first date one to remember.

How do you get his attention? It's pretty easy. Show him how smart you are but without too much ego. Talk to him about your success and what your goals are for the future. Talk to him about stuff he's into and show him you're aware of his talents.

Compliment him and let him know that you're totally interested in spending more time with him. Laugh at his jokes and let him see that you're comfortable with him. He wants a woman who is dazzled by his charms. How easy is that? Unless you're a reclusive type that doesn't want any part of his being out often.

Leo men wants a woman who is flexible, social, adaptable, and able to go with the flow. He loves adventure and good times. He will love to have a partner who will get up and go after something fun randomly and not think twice.

This one has a temper on him though so watch out when you piss him off. He isn't one that will stay calm and collected. That being said, it's often best to remain calm yourself and let him know that if something was your fault, you are whole heartedly sorry. If he's just being a turd though, just let him have some space to sort out his own stuff.

Leo guys love beautiful women who have the ability to charm the pants off any man but chooses him to give all her affection to. He wants to feel special, wanted, desired, and appreciated. As long as you have plenty of that to spread with the Leo guy, you'll be good to go and should have no trouble landing him and making him fall madly in love. He's romantic so you being romantic helps also.

Virgo Man - This is one sign that puzzles so many women, truly. He's the one sign in the zodiac that doesn't actually HAVE to have a partner to complete himself. He knows he is whole as is and is alright with that. He IS human though and sometimes wants companionship. He will try to hook up with someone he thinks could be "the one" but if it turns out she isn't, he'll tear it apart in his mind and probably decide to give up... at least for awhile.

Virgo men are old fashioned typically and love classical women. What I mean by this is a woman who dress and acts very classy. She must look fabulous in whatever she is wearing but not look trashy. In other words, he isn't looking for a chic that wears club gear. Whether they're going clubbing or not, he wants a woman with a bit of elegance.

He's drawn to women that look like the old times with long skirts or dresses, thigh high stockings complete with garter belt and a sexy blouse that only reveals a small amount of her cleavage but shows the bosoms shape. Her hair should be neat when down or swept up in a bun or pony tail. An example would be like Rita Hayworth or another timeless beauty, Grace Kelly.

He really digs timeless beauty. That being said, when it comes to communication, he isn't really too big on text messages or even emails/social media. He may not even want too much to do with technology. The ones that are capable of technology tend to use it for facts only, not for true discussions.

He'd rather talk to you on the phone the old style way or meet up face to face. He can do long distance relationships but only for awhile. He likes getting to know a woman but he also wants to be physically close to her at some point.

Visits will work short term but if you ever expect him to take you seriously, you will have to consider figuring out how to move to where he is so you can continue the journey with him. Virgo man is hard headed and tends to want things his way.

When you want to get his attention in order to get the ball rolling, you simply need tell him that you find him interesting and attractive. Tell him you like him and would like to get to know him better. Being honest and forthright will get his attention and if he's digging on you too, he'll start asking you out or making plans with you.

Virgo men can be cold sometimes and it really has to do with their critical nature. They not only are critical of others but they're even more so with themselves. In fact, they are their own worst critic which makes them vulnerable thus moody. Virgo man needs a sweet woman to show him he's worth her love. He'll struggle with it but once he falls head over heels, he'll do almost anything for her. Be patient with him.

Libra Man -  The Libra man is someone who is seeking to learn balance in his life. He's known for being the scales in the zodiac. The thing is, he doesn't know how to do it properly and is something he has to educate himself on. While he's fantastic at looking at both sides of any situation, he's unable to make his life equal in every area. He may play too much or he may work too much. He doesn't know how to do both at equal force.

Libra man is diplomatic, charming, charismatic, fun to be around, and easy to hang out with. He's typically very funny, knows what to say, and makes people want to be in his presence. It's easy to see why any woman would fall for this guy. The problem is, he has major problems trying to make decisions. Whether it's about relationships or what to eat at any given meal, he'll have a hard time.

When he meets a woman, he marvels at her beauty and what she can bring to his life. However, his indecisive nature makes him drag out any decision he needs to make as far as whether he just wants sex with her, just wants to date casually, wants exclusivity, or wants a full on relationship. It will take him even longer to move in together and marriage is very hard to come by.

I'm not saying he won't marry but I am saying he will take his sweet time before he even considers anyone as marriage material. He has to be highly impressed, feel safe and secure, and feel that his partner really gets him in every way.

Libra men do not get mad easily and if they do get upset, they hold it in as they don't want to hurt or upset their partner. They tend to "walk on eggshells" because they lack conviction of standing up for themselves. While they're great at meting out justice for others, they aren't so good at doing it for their own lives.

Truly Libra men make fabulous lawyers, judges, doctors, or any other power position that allows him to decide for other people and help them obtain what they need. He has to learn how to do this for himself if he wants to find success in his own life. Libra man is looking for a woman who will be sweet, attentive, considerate, and not harsh with her words.

This guy can take things said the wrong way. You've got to be careful how you say things and never approach him with angry words. He will shut down or he will hold it in then later after he's built it up, he'll explode and say really horrible things.

Much like the Leo guy, he wants lots of attention and affection too. He wants to feel adored and appreciated in order to validate his existence. The problem is, he can try to grab attention from other people which can create jealousy issues in a partner who doesn't understand this about him. If you like him, let him know. He'll take it from there if he's interested in you.

Scorpio Man - The Scorpio man is one of the more complicated of the guys. He's emotional, he's passionate, and he's hard to understand. He's sexy to the core and no woman can resist him. When you see him, you will want to jump him. Physically he is amazingly attractive. Right out of the gate, women are sexually attracted to him.

When you get to talking to him, you realize that he's highly intelligent, he has goals he wants to accomplish in life, and he wants to find the one that he feels will complete and inspire him. He's seeking his soul mate. The problem is, he gets distracted sometimes with sex. He normally will have a very healthy libido.

This guy is very capable of having one night stands, friends with benefits, or cheating. These things tend to happen when he's immature, not ready to commit, or isn't sure of the person he's dating. He also tends to have mood swings that make him both hot and cold. This makes for some major confusion for unsuspecting women.

He tends to test women before he'll give them proper attention. He wants to know how she operates, how committed she is, if she's loyal, if she's passionate and all about him. The thing is, even if she IS showing him these things, he will still test her to see if she trips up. Can she tow the line and provide him with security in his life so he can trust her?

Scorpio man needs a woman who is intelligent, beautiful, sexual, loyal, wants only him, gives him personal freedom when he feels he needs it, and will inspire him to do his best always. She also needs to understand his mood swings and know that he often lets his empathic side rule his decisions. He has to learn how to ground himself or balance his life out.

His great empathy makes him a bit of a humanitarian but sometimes he can also come off as selfish. He's really sort of all over the place and this is what makes women totally lost when it comes to figuring them out. They're always mysterious and tend to keep secrets.

They are definitely jealous and possessive. They may pretend that they aren't in the beginning but the truth is, they for sure will reveal their true nature with time. If you like a Scorpio man, you've got to basically prove to him that he's the only one you want and the only one you are interested in. He's insecure and needs a secure woman who knows what she's doing.

When you like a Scorpio man, you've got to make your time all about him, answer when he texts you or calls you, don't make him wait and for goodness sake, don't ever ignore him. Tell him you're feeling him and you want to see where things can go. Don't let him do the "friends with benefits" crap with you either unless you're alright with it. Typically they do not end up committing to the person they have one of these arrangements with.

Sagittarius Man- The Sagittarius man is fun loving, adventurous, humanitarian, funny, spontaneous, and thinks outside of the box. This guy is a really great catch. He gets a bad rep for being flaky or non committal but it's simply not true. There may be some that are that way but typically, Sagittarius is actually looking for "the one" and has no issue committing to the person he believes is that.

Sagittarius man speaks very direct and honestly. He doesn't like lying and he doesn't like it when someone tries to pull one over on him. Sometimes he sounds like a jerk because he says things people don't want to hear but if it's the truth, he feels they should hear it. He has to learn how to employ tact when he talks to people.

The Sagittarius guy will typically love travelling, will love doing outdoor activities, and will want to be involved in helping people in whatever way he can. He's a great guy! Yes, I am a Sagittarius woman so I could be biased but I've often had people try to accuse me of things I am not as well so I get it. Can they be loyal? YES!!

This is another fallacy about Sagittarius. It's said that they tend to cheat or leave relationships without too much through. The truth is, they jump right in if they dig someone, they fall fast, and they give of themselves. If they figure out the other person isn't right for them, is disrespectful or hurtful, or just treats them badly then yes, they will jump out. Sometimes they will leave without any notice.

They for sure could find a better way such as confronting the person and letting them know why it's not working and why they want to leave but they don't like seeing the other person hurt or angry with him. This is why he finds it easier just to exit stage left instead. It doesn't make him flaky or unreliable though. It makes him honest and honest with his feelings.

Sagittarius man is seeking a woman who is his equal or close to. He wants to spend his life with her, go on trips with her, move around if possible, and have many grand adventures together. He wants to take her camping, horseback riding, hang gliding, fishing, or many other outdoor fun activities. He needs a woman who can keep up with him, be independent, and have a huge heart like he does.

He isn't one of the slow movers as far as relationships goes. This can backfire on him of course, but he's rather take the risk and see what happens than to wait it out and see if it ends up where he want it. He isn't afraid to fall in love over and over again until he finds the right woman to commit himself to.

If you find yourself into a Sagittarius man, just simply flirt with him, let him know you are hot for him, and then go forward. He'll appreciate the candor and the forthrightness in your feelings. Just don't ever speak to him in hints or metaphors or he won't get it. Trust me I know. I do horribly with metaphors as a Sagittarius.

Capricorn Man - The Capricorn man is the well dressed, well put together, tall, strong, and hard to approach type of guy. He has this energy around him that makes people almost intimidated. He's confident and if you are a woman who wants to approach him, you're going to have to show how very special you are to get his attention.

This guy is intelligent, handsome, hard working, project oriented, and wants to succeed in everything he does. He doesn't socialize too often as he prefers being home or alone. He will hang out from time to time with close friends or with someone he decides to date. The key to him is to become friends with him first.

He wants a woman who will be his best friend before she's his lover. In fact, he isn't one to dive right into bed with someone. It's not to say he won't or it's impossible but, typically he wants to hold off until he feels that there is something more than just friendship. He doesn't want to get tangled up with someone who isn't right for him.

He's hard core on his belief system and isn't very flexible about it. If you want to change him, you had better think again. He wants a woman who will accept him for who he is and not try to change anything about him. You try to and he will give you the boot. He won't put up with it.

While he'll gladly have a family with the right woman, he's more into being the "man" of the household. He wants to be the breadwinner and he wants to be the one who basically makes the rules that the family must follow. I'm not saying he's a dictator but he is tough and knows what he wants.

The Capricorn man wants a woman who is intelligent by her own means, driven with her work or career, and also wants to build a nest egg for the future like he does. He wants a woman to inspire him and help him take steps toward his goals when he feels like falling down.

He wants to find someone who makes him feel loved, cared for, and secure. He can come off as very cold or callous sometimes but he doesn't typically mean it. Just remember that under the hard exterior, there is a heart and soul that desires a great love.

Once you let the Capricorn guy know you are totally interested in him, he'll take the lead from there. He wants to take the reigns and call the shots. You just have to be sure that he knows that you dig him and what you want. Sometimes they're rather oblivious to women coming onto them.

Again, cultivate a best friend type of thing with him and you may just find that things flourish and he starts to fall for you. Take up activities together, talk about things you both love, and be there for him when he wants to vent or talk things through. Once he opens up, he's yours!

Aquarius Man - The Aquarius man is another frustrating guy in the zodiac. I've had to help many women who decided to try to date or give their hearts to an Aquarius man only to be totally flustered or hurt. They're really smart guys who know what they want and won't accept less. Though just like anyone, they can get confused sometimes.

Aquarius man thinks differently than everyone else. He is committed to himself first and foremost. He will not commit to someone else unless he's really sure that she's someone that will understand his love for freedom and solitude. In other words, he wants a woman who has her own life and doesn't want to hoard his.

The Aquarius guy tends to want a woman who is also smart, has her own career, owns her own money, is loving, caring, helps other people, but also doesn't expect to spend all her free time with him. He'll do well with a woman who is much like this and will respect his desire to be alone here and there or is able to go do his own thing.

These men tend to do well as business owners or working for someone that allows them to do things their way and in their own time. They aren't the type to take orders from someone else and certainly won't tolerate a woman telling him what to do at any point in time. He doesn't want to feel tied down or fenced in.

Commitment doesn't have to mean that you cannot have a life outside your partner. He is well aware of this and lives exactly this way. He prefers to have a woman who gets it and understands how healthy it is for him to be with someone who is only with him some of the time instead of all of the time.

The further into a commitment the Aquarius guy gets (which takes awhile), he will start to give up more of his free time to the woman he's fallen in love with. In fact, that is a tell tale sign for if he's into you or in love with you. He wants to spend more time with you and becomes very attentive. He won't sacrifice his own time unless you're really special.

If you find yourself attracted to an Aquarius man and don't know how to approach him, it's fairly simple. Be bold, tell him you like him, flirt with him, and let him know you'd like to take some time to get to know him. Let him take things slowly and get to know you. Don't try to pressure him about anything or he'll back out.

Be upfront but don't push any issues. If you try to hurry up and give you a commitment, he will decide you're asking too much of him and that you don't respect his personal time. Make sure he wants to chase you, don't always be available, make plans of your own and show him that you're not at his beck and call. He'll want you more.

Pisces Man - The Pisces man is a water sign. He's emotional and he is also empathic or has other psychic types of gifts. He's also someone who can manifest the life he wants if he wants to take action towards it. He's proficient at dreaming up some amazing things but if he doesn't do anything about it, he'll just look like he's living in fantasy land.

Pisces man isn't typically too terribly social. He may hang out with people in small doses but mostly he's private and likes to spend much time where he feels safe such as at home. This has a lot to do with his spiritual sensitivity. He also can be prone to depression, anxiety, or addiction. He has to be very careful and learn how to ground himself.

He'd do well with a woman who is actually an earth sign as she can help him plant his feet on the ground an not let his dreams take him away. He also wants a woman who will inspire him to actually take some action towards his aspirations.

This type of woman is someone who can make her life pretty fantastic, fulfilling, and successful. He'll be so impressed that he'll want to do what he can to make his dreams a reality as well. This is the type of partner he wants. She needs to be understanding of his mood swings.

Pisces guy has to have a woman who won't get scared off by his various moods and tempers. Embracing him with a loving touch will make him shine. Pisces is looking for his soul mate, the one that hung the moon, and the woman of his dreams. Sometimes he falls in love quicker than he gets to know someone and that is a flaw.

This is why a strong woman who makes him take his time and wait to be sure will be the woman that gets his attention and affections. If you find yourself totally into a Pisces man, you'll need to flirt with him and somehow let him know that you've got eyes for him. Compliment him, be sweet, and show him how smart you are as well as successful.

When he decides he's into you or wants to get to know you, you're in for a treat. He's romantic and he wants to give you all that he can. He is the guy that wants to put you on a pedestal and make sure that he is doing everything possible to make you happy and feel cared for.

He will go up and out of his way to make your life easier. He'll help you with whatever you need and will always be there for you. He just simply asks you do the same for him in return. He is someone who is very sexual typically and so you can expect a relatively healthy libido.

With the Pisces man, go for it. Tell him what you think and what you feel when it comes to him. He'll appreciate that you were up front with him. He'll let you know if he wants more or if he just wants to be friends at that point.

Again, these are very basic tips and tricks when it comes to cultivating something special with a guy you like according to what his sign is. There is far more to it than this but if this little bit helps you, I'm happy to share the information.

Yours Truly,